Sunday, May 2, 2010


Things I like…
Eating out
Ping Pong
Listening to sermons on my ipod
Reading a good book
(Some) cats
Looking good
Wearing a suit
Cutting my hair
Telling a good joke
Studying for a sermon
Making a crucial play (basketball) in front of an audience
Exercise (Running, Pushups and crunches)
Action Movies
Driving at night
Doing laundry
Making people happy
Going to the mall
Making people laugh
Relaxing with friends
Going on long drives
Getting along with people
Buying things for people
Watching a good movie
Some chick-flicks
Long walks
Impressing someone

Things I want to do…
Learn how to swim
Break a bone
Go skydiving (once would probably be enough)
Drive over 120mph
Go 4wheeling on the beach
Be able to sing well enough to do a performance
Getting stabbed, just not in the stomach or the face (please)
Preach in front of several thousand people
Shoot a 50Cal machine gun
Preach at least once a week for the rest of my life
Become a Paramedic
Plant a church
Get shot at maybe even hit once or twice…
Be involved in a high speed car crash and walk away
Have a large family
Go camping
Witness to someone in a different language
Have rock hard abs
Be a photographer at an NBA game
Write a book
Learn to ride a horse (well)
Get a conceal/carry permit
Go on a cruise
Ride in a LifeFlight Chopper (preferably as the medic)
Help the underground church
Live to see my great-grandchildren

Places I want to go…
Papua New Guinea, China, Africa, Australia, New Zealand

Food I like to eat….
Barbecue anything, Macaroni and Cheese, Hot dogs, Pork, Turkey, Vegetables, Mashed potatoes and gravy etc…

Things I strongly dislike….
Current culture… Style of dress, attitudes etc…
Josh Groban's music…
Italian food… (Excluding Pizza and Lasagna)
Being stabbed repeatedly
Cigarette Smoke
Getting a flat tire
Breakfast food in general
Long telephone conversations
Lengthy Voicemail
Going to prison
Eating when I’m nervous
Demon Possession (specifically and just Demons in general…)
V-neck t-shirts
Tourism/being a tourist
Tight pants
Standing in Line
Being cold
Waiting for someone that is late
People that take themselves too seriously
Not being in control
Losing a fight
Emotional instability
Long flights
Lots of sugar
Anne of green gables
Sci-fi stuff
Meaningless conversation
Feeling like I have to prove myself

Places I would hate to go to….
South America, Indonesia, Italy, England, Germany

People I want to meet…
An Amish farmer
Member of U.S. Secret Service
CEO of a major Corporation
Lebron James
Kobe Bryant
Shaun Alexander
George W Bush
John Piper
Andy Stanley
Paul Washer


  1. You want to learn how to swim too?!? Hey, I thought I was the only guy over the age of 13 without that particular skill.

    By the way, if you want to live to see your grandchildren, I wouldn't eat barbecued stuff... all those nasty carcinogens, doncha know. ;-)

  2. Paul Washer is quite a preacher. Not afraid to be controversial if the Bible teaches it.
